Ghana’s Analogue Video Film Digitization, Archiving and Repository Project.


Kumasi, Accra, Takoradi

Synopsis and Position

Pioneer video filmmakers in Ghana have their cultural products on analogue formats such as VHS, SUPER-VHS and BETACAM. These formats are believed to contain contents that resonates with the Ghanaian socio-cultural memories. Regardless the contents are trapped in these outdated formats. This project is envisaged to collect, digitize and place on an accessible repository, analogue video native films produced between the early 1980’s to 1995 just before digital video came onto the Ghanaian scene. The focus on analogue video native works is because we view those materials to be at risk of total destruction, as the era of its height of usage was faced with limited technology for preservation of materials.

Objectives and Methods

To collect and digitize analogue video native works.

To film interview sessions with video native producers.

To place all data on an online repository.

Workshops and Events

To be confirmed


To be confirmed

Through Un/Archived Pasts
